Monday, November 15, 2010

Why branding your destination isn't such a bad idea

Discover Wallonia. Turkey welcomes you. Does ‘What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’ sound any less familiar?
Who hasn’t noticed the many logos, slogans and taglines every self-respecting country, city or region presents itself with lately? Well if you have, you’ve already experienced some nice destination branding. These places are doing their very best to portray themselves in the best possible way, but as Christophe says, just a nice slogan won’t do the trick. After all, the image we have of countries, cities and suchlike is influenced by some other factors too. Factors which DMO’s (Destination Marketing Organizations) can’t control, like media coverages and cultural perceptions.  
Unfortunately, these other factors don’t always contribute to the positive image these places try to create for themselves. And no positive image means no tourist attraction, no disproof of bad sounding prejudices and no interest in its culture nor its products. Result: a less prosperous region, losing to others that may have less to offer but are more competitive. Let the branding begin!
Elien Van den Berge

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