Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bye bye, Dubai?

As Nick stated in his latest blog, Abu Dhabi wants to catch up with Dubai. Suffering from the crisis, Dubai hasn't got the right approach to get out of it, while Abu Dhabi has.

Dubai World, the investment company that manages a host of businesses for the Dubai government, has announced heavy debts. While in times of crisis, when consumers want value for money instead of just costs, Dubai comes up with concepts as a man-made island in the shape of the world. Abu Dhabi in the contrary is trying to brand their destination by giving it a cultural bent with plans to build museums as Guggenheim and Louvre.
This proves that Abu Dhabi is setting itself as a destination brand which is able to last through the crisis.

The Louvre in Abu Dhabi

 Sonny Selhorst

What for brand Dubai now?

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