Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sports tourism key to destination branding

Sports tourism is the sleeping giant in the tourism industry, and why not promote a country with it? South Africa has done it by hosting the 2009 British & Irish Lions Tour, which was followed by the 2010 FIFA World Cup. This has been a tremendous promotion for the brand South Africa.
Kenya has also become a destination for sports tourism. Especially by having high profile visits by celebrities. By example Usain Bolt, who travelled to Kenya to adopt the world's fastest animal, a cheetah. But Bolt's visit was just the start of a sequance of visits to the country. World champions Serena Williams and Fernando Alonso and the Brazilian soccer team also visited Kenya. Jake Grieves-Cook, the chairman of the Kenya Tourist Board, announced that the visits have given Kenya a massive boost.

Sonny Selhorst

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