Friday, November 19, 2010

More is less.

As we read in Nick’s blog, the Maldives wants to show it’s more than just some long beaches with nice temperatures, but will the rebranding of this already popular destination really be to their advantage?
I actually think that the new strategy of the Maldives might not be a very good move. Being all-round is good but won’t necessarily bring in the expected extra tourists. The whole point of branding is to make your destination stand out from the crowd and focusing on your strong aspects which you are obviously not doing by generalizing.
On the other hand, if the expansion of what the brand stands for makes a more attractive, interesting and cohesive whole, there’s no reason not to do it. Unless, of course, you can’t live up to the expectations and lose your tourists and -even more importantly- your credibility.

Elien Van den Berge

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